Friday, December 31, 2004

Last post of the year!

Well quite a bit more has happened since I last wrote. We are in Prescott (or to be more precise at the Wallace's house). We came up here and are spending about a week. Grandma and Grandpa Phillips came to Arizona a long with the Sanger's.

We've had a fun time. The week before we came up Grandpa, Grandma, Dad, Austin and Uncle Jonathan worked on their house at Pantano. I didn't get to help out much because I was at work all last week. It was my last official week at Velocity/Double Eagle. I put in my resignation 2 and a half weeks ago. I will go back into work on Monday for a week since Tim is going to be out of town that week. I am planning on phasing out of working there over the month of January. I'm also hoping to start studying for my instrument rating. We'll see how that goes. I bought all the books last week before we came up. I was hoping to study them then but haven't had much time. I was tired the first part of the week and have had a bit of a head cold the last few days.

Yesterday we went to Uncle Russell's brothers house, Jason and helped put up trusses. That was fun. Well we'll be leaving for home either today or tomorrow. There'll be a watch night service up here tonight.

There was a big earthquake in the Indian Ocean Sunday morning their time (or Saturday night our time). 9.0 on the rector scale. They are now saying that the death toll is over 120,000 people. It is bad.

Well Grandpa wants me to go upstairs and sing so I'm going to do that.
I want to make the rest of my life concentrated to the Lord. I pray dear God that you will help me to be so. Amen.


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